Friday, May 28, 2010

Au Revoir!

Dear period 4 students,

It has been a pleasure being with you this semester! Thank you for such a wonderful first experience teaching! I have enjoyed getting to know each of you and learning about you. Sharing these past few months in your classroom has been such a learning experience for me - MERCI BEAUCOUP!

May your journeys in life lead you to peace, joy and love.

Please keep in touch...and per Rebecca's request, I'll keep this blog updated so please check back frequently and makes comments often!

Take care of yourselves.

"Life is a journey, not a destination;
There are no mistakes, just chances we've taken;
Lay down your regrets, because all we have is now."
by India Arie (one of my favorite singers!)

Warmest regards,
Madame Z

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