Sunday, February 28, 2010

Corrected Homework

I have spent time this weekend READING and CORRECTING your homework and classwork. This will be returned Monday, March 1. A few comments and suggestions...

1. I read EVERYTHING, and make NOTES - this is to help you learn French!

2. Please help me help you by writing LEGIBLY - this means WRITE NEATLY. Take PRIDE IN YOUR WORK!

3. When writing in French, please use ARTICLES (un, une, des) before all nouns. This means you cannot simply write "chaussette" (sock) - you must write UNE chaussette, or UN anorak, or DES baskets. Merci!

4. Please make sure the noun and the adjective (describing word) AGREE! UNE JUPE BLEUE is correct (see how "bleu" is changed to agree with jupe being feminine) or DES CHAUSSURES NOIRES (see how "noir" is now feminine AND plural).

5. Please use COMPLETE SENTENCES! I need a noun (person, place or a thing) AND a verb (an action word) to work together - even better if some adjectives (describing words)are in there, too! "La chaussure verte" is NOT a sentence!

6. Challenge yourself - use negations / add people's names / include vocab from a previous lesson / add more description / take pride in what you are doing!

7. Please always include first and last name, date, period and title (homework / classwork / bellwork). This helps me stay organized to give you the proper credit!

8. If you didn't receive full credit on an assignment and would like to REDO your work to make up missing points - NO PROBLEM! I do accept late, redone, corrected work. But you'll have a mountain of make-up work to do if you decide to fall behind...don't do it - it's not suggested :-)

9. Please keep all papers I return to you. Good for you to study from. Good in case there is an error in my grade book. I'm human, too!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Les devoirs du 26 février 2010

Merci de compléter les activités du cahier à la page 68, no. 6 et 7.

Please complete the workbook page 68, activities 6 & 7.

Don't forget the fashion assignment due Wednesday, too...

Have a safe and fun weekend!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Les devoirs du 23 février 2010

Pour vendredi le 26 février 2010, merci de faire les devoirs suivants:

1. Write all the VOCAB WORDS found on pages 220 & 221 of you text and include English translations

2. Conjugate the verb PORTER 3 times. Please use the attached verb conjugation chart:

French verb conjugation table -

3. Do pages 1 & 2 of the vocab hand-out (where you draw pictures) and use the accompanying vocab list for help.

Monday, February 22, 2010

L'habit ne fait pas le moine - Don't judge a book by its cover

Merci de suivre un des liens:

Les chaussures

Les vestes

A. Choose 1 of the above articles

B. Browse the text accompanying each photo and do your best to make connections based on the French vocabulary you have already learned, cognates from languages you already know and simple context clues. I don't expect you to understand everything, but do your best to try and make some sense of the item descriptions.

C. Using the comment feature at the end of this posting, write 3 complete FRENCH sentences about your favorite item seen in the online article (ex. Je préfère.../ J'aime...parce que.../Je veux...parce que... Il est...)

D. Using the comment feature at the end of this posting, list 10 new French vocabulary words you have found in your article and their English equivelants. Use your book, the Internet or a French/English dictionary for help.

E. Amusez-vous! La mode de France est très chic!

DUE Wednesday, March 3, 2010

S'il vous plait!

Firstly, I am so excited to see so many of you already following our blog and participating. Great way to start off our French class!

PLEASE remember to write your first and last name at the end of your postings. Some of your pseudonyms are too cryptic to allow me to know who is who.

Merci encore et bon travail!
Courtney Ziani (just like this, s'il vous plait!)

San Diego Sate University

Veuillez souhaiter la bienvenue à notre invitée Mme Vivian RICH de l'Université de San Diego State. Mme RICH sera avec nous le mardi 23 février pendant la 4ème période. Elle y sera pour m'observer enseigner une leçon.

Welcome Mme Rich!

Les devoirs du 22 février 2010

Comme convenu, voici les devoirs pour ce soir :

Texte: p.222, act 2
Workbook: p.66, acts 2 & 3

Merci et à demain!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Racontez-moi de toi...

Premier devoir en français...

Merci de nous dire POURQUOI vous avez choisi la langue française comme option. De préférence en français, mais ca passe en anglais aussi..

(Thanks to please tell us why you've selected French class as an elective. In French would be best, but English is OK)

Bonjour et bienvenue periode 2 !

Bonjour et bienvenue période 2 !
Bonjour et Bienvenue au cours de français 1 au lycée d'Escondido ! Allez les Cougars!

Je m'appelle Mme Courtney ZIANI et je suis votre nouvelle prof.

Un peu d'informations sur moi... actuellement, je suis étudiante a la fac de San Diego State en train de finir mon agrément pour enseigner le français, ainsi de réussir mon Masters.

J'ai hâte de vous rencontrer chacun et de mieux vous connaître. Je vous promets une fin d'année agréable et que vous allez apprendre le français !

Je suis ravie d'être au lycée d'Escondido et d'être dans la classe de Mme Mulder - quelle chance!