Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Racontez-moi de toi...

Premier devoir en français...

Merci de nous dire POURQUOI vous avez choisi la langue française comme option. De préférence en français, mais ca passe en anglais aussi..

(Thanks to please tell us why you've selected French class as an elective. In French would be best, but English is OK)


  1. because i addore the language
    and because it is somewhat related to my mother language.

  2. because it something i wanted to try out and see. since i already know spanish i wanted to learn a third language.

  3. i wanted to take french because all my other friends were taking spanish, and i wanted to do something different, so i took french

  4. I took french because I already knew spanish. So I tought something different would be cooler :)

  5. I took French because my brother said that he didn't learn anything in Spanish, and I can't roll my R's.

  6. I took French because it is an interesting language. Also I already speak English and Spanish.

  7. I took French because I think it's an interesting language & I already know spanish so i'm one step above people that only know english.

  8. I took French because I think it's a really awesome language because of how it's spoken and the sounds in it. I also decided to take French because of how uncommon the language is in our community.

  9. I took French because i thought it would be an interesting language to learn. Also because my sister took it and said it was easy.

  10. I chose French becuase I took Spanish 1 last year so if I took Spanish 2 I'd have to step it up this year, which I didn't want to do. And also cuz my mom would be nagging me to do everything perfect in Spanish.

  11. I took French because I thought that it would be fun to learn and I can't roll my R's

  12. I took French because I thought it would be cool to learn. Plus, If I travel to a french-speaking country, I would be able to communicate with the people.

  13. I took French because I had already take spanish and I didn't like it. French is the only other language option. I also thought it might be neat to be able to speak and understand the language.

  14. I'm in french because my counselor put me in this class. I don't remember signing up for this class.

  15. because i wanted to learn a new language since i already know spanish

  16. I am taking French because the Spanish classes were full.
    -Rachel Vandaveer

  17. I'm taking French because at my old school all the Spanish classes were full, and my mother wanted me to take French.

    Jessie Noreen
