Sunday, February 28, 2010

Corrected Homework

I have spent time this weekend READING and CORRECTING your homework and classwork. This will be returned Monday, March 1. A few comments and suggestions...

1. I read EVERYTHING, and make NOTES - this is to help you learn French!

2. Please help me help you by writing LEGIBLY - this means WRITE NEATLY. Take PRIDE IN YOUR WORK!

3. When writing in French, please use ARTICLES (un, une, des) before all nouns. This means you cannot simply write "chaussette" (sock) - you must write UNE chaussette, or UN anorak, or DES baskets. Merci!

4. Please make sure the noun and the adjective (describing word) AGREE! UNE JUPE BLEUE is correct (see how "bleu" is changed to agree with jupe being feminine) or DES CHAUSSURES NOIRES (see how "noir" is now feminine AND plural).

5. Please use COMPLETE SENTENCES! I need a noun (person, place or a thing) AND a verb (an action word) to work together - even better if some adjectives (describing words)are in there, too! "La chaussure verte" is NOT a sentence!

6. Challenge yourself - use negations / add people's names / include vocab from a previous lesson / add more description / take pride in what you are doing!

7. Please always include first and last name, date, period and title (homework / classwork / bellwork). This helps me stay organized to give you the proper credit!

8. If you didn't receive full credit on an assignment and would like to REDO your work to make up missing points - NO PROBLEM! I do accept late, redone, corrected work. But you'll have a mountain of make-up work to do if you decide to fall behind...don't do it - it's not suggested :-)

9. Please keep all papers I return to you. Good for you to study from. Good in case there is an error in my grade book. I'm human, too!

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