Friday, May 28, 2010

Au Revoir!

Dear period 4 students,

It has been a pleasure being with you this semester! Thank you for such a wonderful first experience teaching! I have enjoyed getting to know each of you and learning about you. Sharing these past few months in your classroom has been such a learning experience for me - MERCI BEAUCOUP!

May your journeys in life lead you to peace, joy and love.

Please keep in touch...and per Rebecca's request, I'll keep this blog updated so please check back frequently and makes comments often!

Take care of yourselves.

"Life is a journey, not a destination;
There are no mistakes, just chances we've taken;
Lay down your regrets, because all we have is now."
by India Arie (one of my favorite singers!)

Warmest regards,
Madame Z

Monday, May 17, 2010

Class Notes: Dr. & Mrs. Vandertrampp

DR mrs vandertrampp - answers -

Les devoirs du 17 mai 2010

For Wednesday, please complete:
P. 370/371
Acts: 24, 26, 28


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Les devoirs du 14 mai

Due Monday, May 17, 2010
Page 365, Acts 14 & 15
Page 367 Acts 19 & 21

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Les devoirs du 12mai 2010

Due on Friday, May 14, 2010

Page 359, Act 3
Page 362, Act 9

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Please bring colored markers or pencils to class tomorrow for a vocabulary word project.


Monday, May 10, 2010

Les devoirs du 10 mai 2010

For Wednesday, May 12, 2010 (THIS WILL BE AN ALL FRENCH DAY!)
Page 336, Acts 22 & 23

FYI: Past participles for these verbs are irregular: BU, DU, RECU

Monday, May 3, 2010

Les devoirs du 3 mai 2010

Please prepare for Wednesday your vocab list (provided in class) for pages 324-325 AND pages 329-330.


Host families needed - July 2010

Dans le cadre de notre programme d'ete du 6 au 31 juillet, nous preparons l'arrivee de 10 etudiants Francais de 15-16 ans pour lesquels nous cherchons des familles d'accueil. Si certains de vos eleves souhaitent participer, veuillez SVP de leur faire remplir le document en attachement et nous l'envoyer. Merci. Amicalement. Jean-Marc

28879 Escalante Road
Quail Valley, CA 92587
Phone: (619) 890 7926

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

French Play - 10 extra credit points!

Hortense poster

Earn 10 extra credit points if you come to this play at San Diego State University.

If you attend, please collect the theater program and be prepared to tell the class about the play on the following Monday, May 10th.

Please click here for directions to San Diego State University. Please click here for a campus map to find the Experimental Theater.

Monday, April 26, 2010


Below is information about scholarships to help fund your education - FREE MONEY! It's never to early to start applying and earning FREE MONEY! Check them out...

Please don't hesitate to ask me if you have any questions about scholarships. I have been very successful in earning quite a few myself. I could be of assistance in helping you earn one, too!

Please click the live links below to learn more...

Rachel Carson Sense of Wonder Contest (Deadline: June 16, 2010)

Bridgestone Safety Scholars Video Contest (Deadline: July 1, 2010)

Local scholarships for San Diego County residents (Various deadlines)

Les devoirs du 26 avril 2010


For Wednesday, April 28 please have the following completed:
Page 306, Acts 19-22


Thursday, April 22, 2010


Please bring colored markers to class tomorrow for a vocabulary word project.


This/That/These/Those CLASS NOTES

Ce/Cette/Ces/Cet NOTES -

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Les devoirs du 21 avril 2010

Pour la classe du 23 avril:
Page 301, Act 12
Page 302, Act 13

EXTRA CREDIT (3 pts) - who can decode this French text message using correct French?


Monday, April 19, 2010

Les devoirs du 19 avril 2010

Pour mercredi, 21 avril 2010

1. Page 305, acts 15 & 16

2. Please complete 20 questions and PRINT OUT answers and score: French Quiz Website

Friday, April 16, 2010

French Film Festival at SDSU!

You will be awarded 10 extra credit points if you attend one of these French films (subtitled in English) and then share your experience with the class.

Entrance is FREE!

The films will be shown at San Diego State's Little Theater. Please click here for a University campus map. Please refer to Google maps for driving directions to the University.

Friday April 16 - 7pm
André Téchiné's provocative feature is inspired by true events: the RER D (a Paris commuter line) affair of July 2004, in which a non-Jewish young woman claimed to be the victim of an anti-Semitic attack by six men, whom she identified as Arabs and blacks. The girl of the title, the unemployed, twenty-ish Jeanne, is constantly in motion: if not on the RER train that goes right by the house in the Paris suburbs that she shares with her widowed mother, Louise, then on rollerblades. Gliding through a park, Jeanne meets thuggish Franck, who becomes her boyfriend and sets up house with her, in a warehouse of stolen merchandise and drugs. Louise urges Jeanne to apply for a secretarial position with Samuel Bleistein, a lawyer and Jewish activist, once in love with Louise. Jeanne's motives for her act remain unknowable. "The Girl on the Train" provides a prism through which we may begin to understand anti-Semitism, racism, and what it means to declare yourself a victim.

SATURDAY MARATHON !!! 4 Films Back-to Back
April 17 - 1 :00 pm
Frequently hailed as "the second coming of the Nouvelle Vague," the extremely talented Christophe Honoré shows the influence of Jean-Luc Godard's minimalist musical, A Woman Is a Woman (1961), and Jacques Demy's all-sung The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (1964), in this tune-filled movie set in present-day Paris about a "ménage à trois" and fluid sense of sexuality. Ismaël and his live-in girlfriend, Julie, open their relationship to include Ismaël's coworker Alice. When the trio are at a club one night, Julie dies suddenly. Ismaël is crippled with grief, which is assuaged somewhat by his close ties with Julie's family, especially her older sister, Jeanne. Alice and Ismaël remain friends and begin new relationships: Alice with a Breton named Gwendal, Ismaël with Gwendal's younger brother, Erwann. When words won't suffice for the characters' surfeit of emotion, they simply break out into song. The fourteen tracks written by Alex Beaupain plumb the heights of ecstasy and the depths of melancholy and are delivered in an exceptionally casual way, as if singing were the most natural mode of communication among Honoré's beautiful, heartbroken characters. Love Songs, a genuine, touching homage, updates the musical form for the 21st century.

April 17 - 3 :00 pm
Wry, observant and touching, Shall we Kiss? is a very contemporary meditation on the myriad implications of a simple kiss. When Gabriel and Emilie meet by chance, he offers her a ride, and they spend the evening talking, laughing and getting along famously. At the end of the night, Emilie declines Gabriel's offer of "a kiss without consequences." Emilie admonishes him that the kiss could have unexpected consequences, and tells him a story, unfolding in flashbacks, about the impossibility of indulging your desires without affecting someone else's life.--© Music Box Films

UN SECRET (2007)
April 17 - 5:00 pm
A Secret follows the life of a Jewish family in post-World War II Paris. François, the son of Maxime and Tania a solitary and imaginative child, invents for himself a brother and the story of his parents' past. One day, he discovers a dark family secret that shatters his life forever: before the war and well before François's birth, his father Maxime was married to Hannah with whom he had a son. At a wedding Maxime met Tania, a young, athletic and beautiful swimmer. He felt madly in love but decided to remain faithful to Hannah. When the Nazis invaded France, Maxime decided to move his family to the free zone and left ahead of them. On her way with her son to meet Maxime, Hannah made a decision that would change her life and that of her family forever, leaving both Maxime and Tania to make difficult choices to survive the war. With the birth of François, the pair started a new family in post-war France, hoping that the existence of Hannah and her son would remain a secret. When François discovers the truth, the family will be forced to revisit their difficult past.

April 17 - 7:00 pm
A flirtatious television weather reporter named Gabrielle is the object of two men's affections in this colorful new film from Claude Chabrol. When Gabrielle meets a famous elderly novelist at a book-signing event in her mother's Lyon shop and at an interview for her TV station, she sets her sights on him. Their brief amorous affair soon grows to become a dark fixation which drives Gabrielle's handsome, spoiled young suitor, Paul, the heir to a pharmaceutical company, to madness. As the film progresses, the scheming protagonists and their families become more deeply obsessed, their relationships become increasingly humiliating and depraved, and the stakes of their games grow higher and higher. Chabrol uses black humor and accessible cinematic structure to skewer his stubborn, independent and self-absorbed characters. The story, inspired by the murder of architect Stanford White in 1906, begins as a playful, sexy triangle that turns darkly foreboding and dangerous, until it builds to a fever pitch with disastrous and melodramatic results.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day of Silence

Friday, April 16 is the DAY OF SILENCE

On the National Day of Silence hundreds of thousands of students nationwide take a vow of silence to bring attention to anti-LGBT name-calling, bullying and harassment in their schools.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

-ER Verb endings song

Please sing to "Row, row, row your boat" song. (Click this live link to hear the music)

Conjugating -ER verbs

First let's find the root



Les devoirs du 14 avril 2010

Bonjour tous!

Homework due Friday is the following:

1. page 278 - read the story and answer questions for sections A and B

2. page 284 - number 3, write a letter to French pen pal

Be sure to use AT LEAST 10 verbs and 10 nouns from your vocab list

Remember 'dear' is "cher / chère."

Remember to use transitions like: d'abord, premièrement, et puis, en suite, après, enfin, dernièrement, finalement, en conclusion.

3. Please finish travel-related flash cards with verbs

Monday, April 12, 2010


Ready, O-K (cheerleader style..)


Friday, April 9, 2010

Les devoirs du 9 avril 2010

Homework due Wednesday, April 14, 2010
PAGE 268, ACTS 10, 11, 12 ,13
FINIR and CHOISIR 2x on verb chart
REVIEW vocab flash cards at home - PLEASE BRING TO CLASS WEDNESDAY

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

La musique francaise

If you like the music we hear in class, here some live links to websites where you can hear more:
click on the left hand category called "musique")
(select "france" and "webradio" then scroll down to select the station "NRJ FRENCH" unless you want a Z90.3 radio station like we get here...)
More academic with shorter musical clips, no streaming, but still interesting.

Have fun and please let me know if you find anything else new and exciting!

Les devoirs du 7 avril 2010


Homework due Friday, April 9, 2010 is:

Page 273: Acts 19 & 20

1 more time conjugating the new verbs: SORTIR / PARTIR / DORMIR / SERVIR on your verb chart.

(That means you'll have a total of 3x conjugating each one, after what we did in class).

Monday, April 5, 2010

Les devoirs du 5 avril 2010

Tonight, please do activities 14, 15, 16, 17 on page 271

Remember the 3 steps:

1. Find the 'reference' word
2. Feminine or masculine?
3. Singular or plural?

Friday, April 2, 2010

Words to replace 'retarded'

20 adjectives to replace saying "retarded"
(because it’s offensive and not that creative anyway)

1. artless
2. asinine
3. bootless
4. cloddish
5. cockamamie
6. crackpot
7. daft
8. derisory
9. doltish
10. dunderheaded
11. farcical
12. fatuous
13. harebrained
14. inane
15. insipid
16. rattlepated
17. risible
18. tomfool
19. vacuous
20. vapid

Monday, March 22, 2010

Homework - Les Devoirs du 3/22/10

Bonjour period 2!

For Wednesday's class, please complete the vocabulary chart with the 32 new travel-related words i passed out to you. You only have to do the FRONT SIDE of the chapter 8-9 vocab sheet - don't worry about the verbs listed on the back.

So, on Wednesday, March 24, you will turn-in the vocabulary chart filled in with sentences and drawings of 32 new vocabulary words.

Merci beaucoup!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Bonjour tous,

So far no groups have presented their Fashion Show commentary to me. PLEASE feel free to email me your text for verification. We won't see each other until Friday - THE DAY OF THE SHOW! We will only have minimal time at the beginning of class for any last minute preparations and costume changes.

MERCI et bonne chance!

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Click on this link for a neat website that SPEAKS the correct way to pronounce French words. This can help you study for Monday's assessment, AND for Friday's Fashion Show project!

Un Defile de Mode a la Rigolade!

Bonjour tout le monde!

Attached please find the 3 documents I distributed concerning our Hilarious Fashion Show project. Have fun! Project is due FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 2010.











Un defile de mode -

Oral Presentation Rubric -

extra vocab list -

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"Je crois ce que je dis, je fais ce que je crois" Victor Hugo

Les devoirs du 10 mars 2010
Pour VENDREDI (Friday), merci de faire:

1. 3X conjugated verbs VOIR, CROIRE, ESSYAR, PAYER on verb chart (please download more copies, if need be)

2. Page 232, acts 20 and 23

3. 2 sentences using VOIR for each pronouns (1 sentence using voir and 1 using voir que)

4. Page 233 - "Attention" questions

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

EXTRA CREDIT! Les stations d'eau / Water Stations

Si vous voulez gagner 3 points supplementaires, merci de consulter le lien de l'association "Water Station." En suite, merci d'ecrire une reflection en anglais d'un paragraphe sur la mission du groupe. Qu'est-ce qu'ils font? Etes-vous d'accord? Vos commentaires? Vos questions?


Monday, March 8, 2010

VOS NOTES (grades!)

These grades do not yet include your grades from Mme Mulder for the past 6 weeks. Our two grades will be averaged together, but for now this will be helpful to understand how you are doing and what you may still need to turn in!

Please note that the tabs on the bottom of the spreadsheet are called Period 2 or Period 4. Please select your class and refer to your student number. Merci bien!

EHS GRADES-no names mar 8 2010 -

"La vertu morale est le produit de l'habitude" "WE ARE WHAT WE REPEATEDLY DO" Aristotle

Les devoirs du 8 mars 2010


Suite à notre classe, voici les devoirs pour mercredi, le 10 mars 2010.

1. Write stress pronouns 2x

2. Redo act. 18, page 231 (now that we know how to do it!)

3. Sign ACADEMIC POLICY - be ready to show this to me on Wednesday

4. Read the Honesty article and write a 1 paragraph reflection about what you thought, how it made you feel, your comments, etc. Turn this in via the blog, or via email, or written with pen and paper.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Les devoirs du 5 mars 2010

Pour lundi! (for Monday)

Page 230/231, acts. 16, 17, 18


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Les devoirs du 3 mars 2010

Thanks for a great class today!

Voici les devoirs pour vendredi, 5 mars 2010: (homework due Fri, Mar 5)

On your verb chart, please conjugate the following:

5x mettre
3x promettre
3x permettre
5x faire
3x aller
3x avoir

On a separate sheet of paper, please write 12 creative, unique, interesting sentences:

1. 2 sentences per conjugated verb listed above

2. Sentences should include a verb, noun, adjective and something different or unique or exciting or creative that proves you thought about the assignment...! :-)

3. Please use correct punctuation = capital letters, periods, question marks, commas, etc.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Les devoirs du 1 mars 2010

In case you missed is the homework due WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3:

p. 226, activities 7,8,9
p. 227, activities 10, 11

a mercredi!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Corrected Homework

I have spent time this weekend READING and CORRECTING your homework and classwork. This will be returned Monday, March 1. A few comments and suggestions...

1. I read EVERYTHING, and make NOTES - this is to help you learn French!

2. Please help me help you by writing LEGIBLY - this means WRITE NEATLY. Take PRIDE IN YOUR WORK!

3. When writing in French, please use ARTICLES (un, une, des) before all nouns. This means you cannot simply write "chaussette" (sock) - you must write UNE chaussette, or UN anorak, or DES baskets. Merci!

4. Please make sure the noun and the adjective (describing word) AGREE! UNE JUPE BLEUE is correct (see how "bleu" is changed to agree with jupe being feminine) or DES CHAUSSURES NOIRES (see how "noir" is now feminine AND plural).

5. Please use COMPLETE SENTENCES! I need a noun (person, place or a thing) AND a verb (an action word) to work together - even better if some adjectives (describing words)are in there, too! "La chaussure verte" is NOT a sentence!

6. Challenge yourself - use negations / add people's names / include vocab from a previous lesson / add more description / take pride in what you are doing!

7. Please always include first and last name, date, period and title (homework / classwork / bellwork). This helps me stay organized to give you the proper credit!

8. If you didn't receive full credit on an assignment and would like to REDO your work to make up missing points - NO PROBLEM! I do accept late, redone, corrected work. But you'll have a mountain of make-up work to do if you decide to fall behind...don't do it - it's not suggested :-)

9. Please keep all papers I return to you. Good for you to study from. Good in case there is an error in my grade book. I'm human, too!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Les devoirs du 26 février 2010

Merci de compléter les activités du cahier à la page 68, no. 6 et 7.

Please complete the workbook page 68, activities 6 & 7.

Don't forget the fashion assignment due Wednesday, too...

Have a safe and fun weekend!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Les devoirs du 23 février 2010

Pour vendredi le 26 février 2010, merci de faire les devoirs suivants:

1. Write all the VOCAB WORDS found on pages 220 & 221 of you text and include English translations

2. Conjugate the verb PORTER 3 times. Please use the attached verb conjugation chart:

French verb conjugation table -

3. Do pages 1 & 2 of the vocab hand-out (where you draw pictures) and use the accompanying vocab list for help.

Monday, February 22, 2010

L'habit ne fait pas le moine - Don't judge a book by its cover

Merci de suivre un des liens:

Les chaussures

Les vestes

A. Choose 1 of the above articles

B. Browse the text accompanying each photo and do your best to make connections based on the French vocabulary you have already learned, cognates from languages you already know and simple context clues. I don't expect you to understand everything, but do your best to try and make some sense of the item descriptions.

C. Using the comment feature at the end of this posting, write 3 complete FRENCH sentences about your favorite item seen in the online article (ex. Je préfère.../ J'aime...parce que.../Je veux...parce que... Il est...)

D. Using the comment feature at the end of this posting, list 10 new French vocabulary words you have found in your article and their English equivelants. Use your book, the Internet or a French/English dictionary for help.

E. Amusez-vous! La mode de France est très chic!

DUE Wednesday, March 3, 2010

S'il vous plait!

Firstly, I am so excited to see so many of you already following our blog and participating. Great way to start off our French class!

PLEASE remember to write your first and last name at the end of your postings. Some of your pseudonyms are too cryptic to allow me to know who is who.

Merci encore et bon travail!
Courtney Ziani (just like this, s'il vous plait!)

San Diego Sate University

Veuillez souhaiter la bienvenue à notre invitée Mme Vivian RICH de l'Université de San Diego State. Mme RICH sera avec nous le mardi 23 février pendant la 4ème période. Elle y sera pour m'observer enseigner une leçon.

Welcome Mme Rich!

Les devoirs du 22 février 2010

Comme convenu, voici les devoirs pour ce soir :

Texte: p.222, act 2
Workbook: p.66, acts 2 & 3

Merci et à demain!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Racontez-moi de toi...

Premier devoir en français...

Merci de nous dire POURQUOI vous avez choisi la langue française comme option. De préférence en français, mais ca passe en anglais aussi..

(Thanks to please tell us why you've selected French class as an elective. In French would be best, but English is OK)

Bonjour et bienvenue periode 2 !

Bonjour et bienvenue période 2 !
Bonjour et Bienvenue au cours de français 1 au lycée d'Escondido ! Allez les Cougars!

Je m'appelle Mme Courtney ZIANI et je suis votre nouvelle prof.

Un peu d'informations sur moi... actuellement, je suis étudiante a la fac de San Diego State en train de finir mon agrément pour enseigner le français, ainsi de réussir mon Masters.

J'ai hâte de vous rencontrer chacun et de mieux vous connaître. Je vous promets une fin d'année agréable et que vous allez apprendre le français !

Je suis ravie d'être au lycée d'Escondido et d'être dans la classe de Mme Mulder - quelle chance!